Saturday, July 10, 2010

What Is A Kumquat Anyway?

Hello, Wondering Person. A kumquat is an unusual sort of orange-colored citrus fruit that is sweet on the outside and sour on the inside.  People make jam out of it.  The bush was first grown in China. 

Quan Tum is not a kumquat, and he isn't sour; in fact he is opposite from a kumquat, as he is very sweet on the inside.  He is not a fruit, or any type of fruit or vegetable.   This isn't Veggie Tales!  We really don't know what he is yet.  We don't know what he looks like either.  He is for sure not orange.  But he is a detective, and he's very S.M.A.R.T.  Keep looking around for clues, and you may find out more about him.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Q and A

Hi, you!  Did you want to know who Quan Tum Kumquat is?  That's a Q.  A question.  The A is the answer.  Kumquat is a famous science detective.  He will answer all your questions about science-y things, and numbers too.  Come back later and he'll be here to talk to you.  K?